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RE: [microsound] inter application audio (os x): JACK
>wakefield and the micro-gang,
>this Jack app is familiar to most any user of audio under Linux as the the
glue that holds their digital studio together.
I should have mentioned that Jack on OSX was a port (in progress) from
Linux! Sorry
> for OSX, however, all of this audio paradise will depend on two things:
for a complete OSX port of the Jack application itself [in the works, part
of the plan, no problemo!], and second for the developers of your OSX audio
applications to support Jack.
As far as I understand, *any* audio app that supports CoreAudio will support
Jack, as Jack can function as a virtual coreaudio driver. The VST and Audio
Unit Jack insert effects should also work on any VST or Audio Unit host
(though the VST may depend on which versions and codebases of VST plugs the
host supports - same deal as all other plugins/hosts)
>so while the programmers of all your freeware apps might get on the boat
quickly, you might just drown holding your breath
waiting for Steinberg's Cubase to support Jack ['why should we when we
already spent so much money developing our own proprietary interapplication
protocol with Propellerheadz?']
I've already used Jack with Cubase, Live, Peak, MaxMSP, Audacity, SoundHack,
Melodyne, even iTunes etc. etc. The only thing that didn't work was
Dekstacy, which I think is because it bypasses coreaudio in some ways to
enable multiple simultaneous soundcard outs.
>see kids, software politics DOES in fact affect your art...
Yes, open-source means lots and lots of people can benefit from really good
ideas, with no commercial standards wars slowing it all down.
Viva la communidad!
jackit! unido! el pueblo esta contigo!