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Re: [microsound] PD.Balkania Linux audio workshops
Linux and open source have been mentioned many many times on this list.
It rarely gets any (positive) response. Looks like people are still
scared of linux installation (which is not a PITA anymore, BTW... and
it's _much_ easier and efficient than Windows.xx) and of black magic
involved in running the system.
Another thing is that it looks like a lot of people are hooked on the
tools that are most widely in use by 'microsound' artists and
unfortunately those tools are almost always proprietary.
>From my own experience, dealing with cracked sw (and tracking it down)
is more time-consuming and troublesome than simply running open-source
I find that linux OS architecture allows for a more flexible use (and
misuse) of tools. It is surprising that people who want to go against
mainstream don't explore this avenue.
For those who are afraid of not being able to use linux for other daily
computing chores here's a list of linux equivalents to Windoz programs:
Have fun.
On Sun, 2003-11-02 at 10:10, derek holzer wrote:
> hi tim,
> thanks for the props!
> i find it very interesting to note the more general [lack of] reaction
> to linux/open source-related stuff on microsound. seems everybody is too
> busy tearing each other's semantics apart ;-)
> but seriously, especially for the amount of politics and pseudo-politics
> that fly around here, the relative silence on the basic tools we use and
> who hands out or "steals" the permission to use them is fascinating.
> during these workshops, i met lots of musicians who loved the idea of
> open-source and open licensing, and applied it to their music
> releases... but still used cracked M$ programs to produce them! for me,
> that is more than a technical issue, but also a philosophical one. maybe
> if people don't want to talk tech so deep on the list, they can still
> approach it from this angle.
> best,
> derek
> Tim Kugel wrote:
> >fantastic Derek! looks great, I'm passing it round
> >Really nice work
> >
> >derek holzer wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >>Just finished the documentation for
> >>
> >>http://pd.iem.at/pdwiki/index.php?PD.Balkania
> >>
> >>best,
> >>d.
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
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