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Re: [microsound] no OS
"tobias c. van Veen" wrote:
> The issue is equating politics with agenda, which is the (if I may say so)
> narrow-minded, predominantly North American idea of 'politics'. For many of
> us, 'politics' is TV.
or tV for that matter:)
> Politics -- the polis -- the city -- the organisation of living. And beyond
> that: the oikos, the home, the hearth. The temple. The sacrifice. Art.
> Speed, war, battle, tactics, strategy. Economy and exchange. The gift. The
> political. Mourning, death, memorial, memory.
> _Antigone_ is a good read here to get a wider grasp of 'the political'.
> In French there is a better way to express this:
> le politique / la politique: the political / politics.
> tV
> > well then...is there anything that CAN'T be interpreted as being political in
> > some way ?
> >
> > ...it seems to me that any act can be pigeonholed into some sort of agenda by
> > an outside observer, regardless of what the perpetrator's actual motives
> > were...
> >
> > perhaps this is the case...i'm not sure, but it does make me sort of
> > nervous...it seems that this is a methodology that is commonly used by
> > repressive governments to rid themselves of competing ideologies...personally,
> > i find it very strange/disturbing to have some sort of political agenda
> > grafted onto my work or to have something that's personal and non-ideological
> > suddenly thrust into a political context by an outsider.
> >
> > i remember reading an article in 'arts' magazine a while back...they were
> > discussing an artist who had traditionally been viewed as 'political'; they
> > were interviewing a fellow artist/friend of the person in question (sorry, i
> > can't remember any specific details right now - may have been philip
> > guston)...anyway...the friend commented on the fact that he found it funny
> > that the artist's style/imagery had been attributed to socio-political
> > motives, when in fact the imagery arose from a much more mundane and quotidian
> > source...something to the effect of: 'if people could see what he saw outside
> > of his window every day they would understand where the artist came from a lot
> > better'...
> >
> >> That IS politics. tV
> >>
> >> (Moreover, a lot of OS-ers are open Libertarians).
> >>
> >>>> The interesting part of the open source community is not its politics,
> >>>> but the do it yourself, stick your fingers in the pie, deeply inclusive
> >>>> collaboration of it all.
> >>> Isn't that its politics?
> >>>
> >>> hmmm...
> >>>
> >>> Simon.
> >>>
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> >>
> >>
> >> tobias c. van Veen -----------
> >> http://www.quadrantcrossing.org
> >> http://www.thisistheonlyart.com
> >> --- tobias@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >> ---McGill Communications------
> >> ICQ: 18766209 | AIM: thesaibot
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> >>
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> >
> >
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> tobias c. van Veen -----------
> http://www.quadrantcrossing.org
> http://www.thisistheonlyart.com
> --- tobias@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> ---McGill Communications------
> ICQ: 18766209 | AIM: thesaibot
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