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Re: [microsound] the political and not politics (was: no OS)
on 6/11/03 8:16 pm, Phil Thomson at hellomynameisphil@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>>> Politics -- the polis -- the city -- the organisation of living. And
> beyond
>>> that: the oikos, the home, the hearth. The temple. The sacrifice. Art.
>>> Speed, war, battle, tactics, strategy. Economy and exchange. The gift.
> The
>>> political. Mourning, death, memorial, memory.
>> ...that's it. the organization of living... that means an interaction
>> and engagement with every-thing that has to do with our lives.
>> actually, there is not a thing that we do and it's not political...
>> ....
> Doesn't the whole "everything is political" line risk trivializing the
> category of the political? If everything is political, presumably
> brushing your teeth is just as political as activist work. I realize
> that everything we do is touched by power, but is there some way of not
> equalizing all activity into having exactly the same relation to power?
it was very predictable such a worry...
it doesn't trivializing it at all actually. The Political and (not Politics)
-as with good reason tobias distinguishes-
begins from the moment you were born. Politics might occur
by your decision afterwards...in different ways.
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