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Re: [microsound] the political (was: no OS)
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>>Politics -- the polis -- the city -- the organisation of living. And
>>that: the oikos, the home, the hearth. The temple. The sacrifice. Art.
>>Speed, war, battle, tactics, strategy. Economy and exchange. The gift.
>>political. Mourning, death, memorial, memory.
>...that's it. the organization of living... that means an interaction
>and engagement with every-thing that has to do with our lives.
>actually, there is not a thing that we do and it's not political...
Doesn't the whole "everything is political" line risk trivializing the
category of the political? If everything is political, presumably
brushing your teeth is just as political as activist work. I realize
that everything we do is touched by power, but is there some way of not
equalizing all activity into having exactly the same relation to power?
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