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Re: [microsound] the politics of open-source (was: PD Linux audio workshops


just a few nits.

i said:
> >what have software have you tried? there are packages and ports
> >available in different formats for different flavors of linux or BSD.

( 03.11.05 10:11 -0800 ) Phil Thomson:
> lots of stuff. I know the whole "./configure ; make ; make install"
> dance that everyone's told me about, but it rarely seems to actually
> make anything useful happen (and yes, I do it all as root).

i was thinking more of redhat's RPM, *bsd [and gentoo] ports collections,
debian *.deb; and so on.

> Indeed, it's global capitalism that is primarily responsible for the
> development of many of the digital networks from which we now benefit.

well, i view the US DOD as different from global capitalism. but this is
a small thing. military and industry are long time lovers.

> "The gravest danger our Nation faces 
> lies at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue".

js sampling and changing gwb

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