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RE: [microsound] Re: OT: (politics)
yes, but SUREly you won't deny a certain level of responsibility for how=20=
the media is formatted, after all it IS only a business, and as such, it i=
under your control, even if it has been left to grow on its own until it=20=
seems like an entity unto itself=2E but the populace is not a helpless flo=
and the media/big government some kind of viscious wolf=2E if you=20
believe that, then you have bought another level of population=20
management=2E just because the vast majority of people are apathetic=20
bastards doesn't mean they're helpless=2E
>>The media is set up in the way it's formatted, whether it be the major=20=
networks or the entertainment industry so people are ridiculed
for having individuality=2E
It's called population management=2E
This would also be the case for politics, Republican-vrs-Democrat=2E
My other point was the rate of technological advancements influences=20
in modern culture such as what you see in recycled trends=2E
One example in music would be the use of sampling=2E<<
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