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ctrl11 mouse and sequencers (mp3 release)
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Hi all from:
ctrlaltcanc records(?)
a new Mp3 release is now on line:
mouse and sequencers : "chamber music for trees and dogs"=20
Mouse and sequencers is a evocative acoustical expression arising from =
"FACTS" (musical facts ?), probed for, spotted and pinpointed, in a =
seemingly random fashion, amidst what one normally deems forgotten, or =
never ever possessed and experienced.=20
The ability to discern, among such a creative chaos, asks not for any =
defined means and qualities: so maybe this is the reason behind the =
manifest deformities and leaks in the resulting sounds, that leads the =
listener inside seemingly messy rooms (or better yet, "chambers").=20
"Chamber music for trees and dogs" is de/composed of six audio =
micro-shorts, whose only pretence lays in a persistence of being unto =
themselves, all over their duration/playback/further playback (if ever) =
- gaining, in such a way, over freely adjoinable elements: which, =
unavoidably, renders them exactly everything they really were not: =
ultra-tidy (non) structures, to be used as pig-shelters.=20
Mouse and Sequencers : Nicola Giunta - guitars, turntables, =
electronics, Fender bass, noises, CASIOTONE CT-102,radio,samples,CASIO =
SA-5,vox,EKO r-20 drum-machine.=20
The complete work is free downloadable at:
Thanx for your attention
have a nice day
ctrl + alt + trees and dogs
feedback necessary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!