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Re: [microsound] Particlechamber: oops
Just found the previous email
Ross Healy
r----- Original Message -----
From: "derek holzer" <derek@xxxxxxx>
To: <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2003 9:57 AM
Subject: [microsound] Particlechamber: a 32-voice asynchronous granular
synthesizer for Pure-Data
> dearest .micronauts,
> how i enjoyed the last discussion on open source! i hated to light a
> fire and run away, but i was actually busy working on something. i
> humbly submit my project to the list, in hopes that it inspires further
> exploration of Pure Data and other open source + free software.
> --derek
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Particlechamber by Derek Holzer [Umatic.nl]
> Particlechamber is a 32-voice asynchronous granular synthesizer, running
> under the Pure Data software, for real-time transformation of a
> soundfile. It is loosely based on the famous Travelizer instrument from
> Reaktor 3, however I think it's much better because it is FREE!
> This patch can be used to time-stretch or -compress a soundfile,
> although there are other tools which do this "nicer", but it's main
> strength is in generating clouds of sonic particles, time-scrambling a
> file, or creating abstract textures. If one does a bit of reverse
> engineering, it can also be used as a tool for learning about the
> techniques of granular synthesis. I have left a section where others can
> add their own grain-level events, such as randomized or constant-Q
> filters or windowed envelopes, to see what is possible with this
> technique. Of course, I can only highly recommend Curtis Road's amazing
> book "Microsound" for those interested in learning more.
> Download Particlechamber here:
> http://www.pure-data.org/Members/derek/Particlechamber.zip
> Particlechamber runs under the Pure Data software, which can be
> installed on Linux, Win32 and MacOSX. PD can be downloaded here:
> http://www.pure-data.org/downloads/
> Particlechamber requires a few external objects to PD in order to run to
> its fullest potential. It uses Freeverb~ for its reverb section, and
> uses Grid as a major GUI element. [Incidentally, both of these externals
> are non-essential, and a clever soul can figure out how to live without
> them!]
> It would be best to take Grid from the PD External Repository:
> http://pure-data.sourceforge.net
> However, Yves Degoyon's Grid external can also be found here:
> http://ydegoyon.free.fr/software.html
> The freeverb~ external can be downloaded here:
> http://www.akustische-kunst.org/puredata/main.html
> Particlechamber is free software and comes without any warrenty that it
> will do ANYTHING like what I say it will. Enjoy it all the same.
> ----------------------------------------derek@xxxxxxxxx
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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