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help looking for online sound design articles/interviews

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i have to write a short paper about the sound design of a film for a =
production class i am in, and i.m looking for online articles that =
primarily discuss topics such as the original source sounds used, =
aspects of specific scenes...solving production sound problems, etc.; =
essentially fairly detailed articles...interviews...things of that =

the site that my professor sent us was www.filmsound.org, which really =
doesn.t cover that many films--some of them aren.t really 'articles' per =
say, and none of them particularly interest me, so i figured that i =
would ask here before just having to go ahead with one from filmsound.  =
i.ve done a lot of searching and have only come up with a few very short =
articles at www.mixmag.com-- nothing that detailed.  i.ve heard people =
discuss or mention sound design on the list before so i thought it was =
worth a shot.

thanks a bunch for your time,

