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PowerPlay "electrons libres+ Future (re)Mix"
Hello everybody all the microsounder's...Como allez-vous???
--------------------POWERPLAY 16/11/03-----------------------------------=
-------------[DJ /RUPTURE In Da Mix]-------------------
The "Gold Teeth Thief" mix by DJ /RUPTURE...Une d=E9bile d=E9couverte et =
un mix
qui met sur le cul!!!
=E7a passe tout naturally d'un style (m=E9chant) =E0 l'autre et parfois =E7=
a fait
DJ /]RUPTURE Vient d'Espagne et cotoie Kid606...You Know what I mean???
DJ /RUPTURE et DDamage seront le 19/11 au Confort Moderne =E0 Poitiers =
This is a fucking Tracklisting :-) more infos go to: =
Go to http://www.discogs.com/release/115665
---------------------FUTURE (re)MIX------------------
For playlist, go to http://thebrain.lautre.net
Part2:Bastien In da future...Not in particullary order, sorry:-)
1-Le Coeur:Untitled(Mental Groove)
-Album "Suddendly"
2-Bus:Middle of the road(Scape)
-Album "Middle of the Road"
3-Moonstarr:Scarborough Rt(Ecco.Chamber, Discograph)
-V/A "Destination:Out II"
4-Jay Dee Vs Dabrye and Pat Kat(Ghostly international)
-12" "Game Over"
5-Jay Dilla:Intro Ruff Track ep+ TY:Wait a minute(Big Dada)
-12" "Wait a minute two"
6-550 Rondy:Curvy Traction(Cheap)
-12" "Yes We've got Rhythm"
7-Morgan Geist:Lullaby(Environ)
-ep "Lullaly"
8-Inner City:Big Fun[Agoria remix] (KMS,Pias)
-12" "Big Fun remixes"
9-Hanna:Sumo(I records)
-V/A "Wax-Selection by Sven Love of Cheers"(Nocture distrib)
10-Liquid People:See the stairs(CDR)
11-Jacksons:Utopia(King prod)
-Ep "Utopia"
12-Ark & Krikor:Bd Rushechouart(Karat, Discograph)
-Inedit of Sampler TRAX =
13-The Modernist:A Goldberg Violation(Wonder, La Baleine)
-Album "Kangmei"
14-Luke Vibert:YosepH(Warp, Pias)
-Album "YosepH"
15-Phuture:Acid Tracks(1988-Trax rec)
-V/A "Warp classic 10+1"
16-Michel Baumann:Stick DA Phonk(Pulver, Discograph)
-V/A "Pulverising Digital"
17-Lullabies feat Karine[Rob Mello remix](Missive 018)
=2E.. ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..=
=2E =
=2E.. ... =
Happyness all and "see the sun..."
Radio B=E9ton 93.6/electrons libres tt les dimanches 17h-18h
Future Mix/Lundi 13h-15h30
90 avenue Maginot
37100 Tours