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Re: [microsound] Micro-publics

on 11/24/03 6:16 PM, Phil Thomson at hellomynameisphil@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> Given that the kind of work that we do, either online or off, doesn't
> tend to have a large public, do people ever get weary of doing stuff Do
> people ever get frustrated by the lack of response to their work? If so,
> (how) do you find the strength to carry on? How have people changed
> their work, if at all, in order to increase its impact and the amount of
> response it generates?
I sometimes get the feeling that no one's listening to the work I do but
I've been doing music in one form or another for almost 15 years(way before
I ever heard the term "microsound" or "glitch" or whatever). Sometimes it is
frustrating to think that you put so much effort,time,money,etc. into making
music and perhaps no one is listening to it. I guess I make music for myself
more than anyone else. If someone else listens to it it's kind of like a
bonus. In the late 80's - early 90's I ran a cassette label named
"Jill*Off". I released noise,experimental,free jazz cassettes of my own work
and also that of more established artists. After about 3 years I decided it
was time to close up shop due to the fact that I thought no one was
listening to the releases. Recently I was in touch with 2 different people
from 2 different labels wich were part of the "home-taping scene" and both
of them were telling me that they were recently listening to some of my work
wich was over ten years old. I must say that I was pretty amazed not only
that someone still had those tapes but that they were still listening to
them! I guess what I'm trying to say is that for me personally it's little
things like that that keep me going. Selling cd-rs and performing some
pretty cool shows ain't bad either;-)

BTW The Usa/Usb compilation is back from the dupe plant and will be ready
just in time for the holidays.

albert "omnid" casais
> [I ask this as I ponder shutting down the weblabel I've run for the last
> year because of what appears to be a lack of interest on the part of
> both artists and audiences. Have other people had similar experiences?
> I'd be interested to compare notes.]
I for one am interested in every release you have done in the past and any
you do in the future.
Keep yer chin up Phil!

> Phil
