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RE: [microsound] Micro-publics

Hey, phil, first of all, please, please don't shut centibel down - it's
a charming little lable supplying high quality musics, and my centibel
release happens to be one of my favourite works up until now :)

Concerning changing my work to increase its impact, this happened to me
in my rock-band past, when we took the music and the symbolics to
extremes, causing minor social panic by usign totalitarian esthetics and
political declarations. Not sure if this is a path you'll want to follow
:) And it's not so easy to cause scandal by declaring things on a
website - after all there are too many outrageous websites out there.

The strength to carry on? Well, whenever I have music in me,  it just
comes out, and really I don't feel any despair even if it never gets
heard - there's always more to create, and maybe one day people will
come up to me on the street to tell me how wonderful my music is. Or
maybe not. It doesn't matter all that much. What matters is that through
music I get to know new wonderful people and I get to know myself

And in fact right now I am working on a more-or-less mainstream pop
project, because I'd like to make something which can be on the radio,
but that's not cause I'm frustrated by lack of response to my
experimental work, I just want to try something different.

SO maybe you can transform centibel into something different, if it
doesn't satisfy you the way it is?



-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Thomson [mailto:hellomynameisphil@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2003 1:17 AM
To: microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [microsound] Micro-publics

Given that the kind of work that we do, either online or off, doesn't
tend to have a large public, do people ever get weary of doing stuff? Do
people ever get frustrated by the lack of response to their work? If so,
(how) do you find the strength to carry on? How have people changed
their work, if at all, in order to increase its impact and the amount of
response it generates?

[I ask this as I ponder shutting down the weblabel I've run for the last
year because of what appears to be a lack of interest on the part of
both artists and audiences. Have other people had similar experiences?
I'd be interested to compare notes.]


(((PS. This is not a covert ad for my weblabel by the way. But of course
you can visit the site if you want. :-/ 

"The gravest danger our Nation faces 
lies at the crossroads of 
radicalism and technology."

George W. Bush
17 September 2002

Phil Thomson 

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