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Re: [microsound] Micro-publics

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I see what you are saying also, but I think that I may have a different view of it than the others.  For me, it is about impressing my friends and hanging out with them.  For instance, this fall when I cam back to school, I wasn't really doing that much musically and when I started doing it again, it wasn't really going that well.  So, I called my friend who lives in Colorado and started talking to him about playing.  Then I talk to a few other friends and started playing more.  Even though some of it was not that great, the point was that I was getting my ideas out of my head and into the recording console or the stage.  
In short, I guess you could say that "nothing makes it more worth it than being able to say 'hey, (insert friends name here) check out this new musical sound that I just made".
s. stevens campbell

Phil Thomson <hellomynameisphil@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Given that the kind of work that we do, either online or off, doesn't
tend to have a large public, do people ever get weary of doing stuff? Do
people ever get frustrated by the lack of response to their work? If so,
(how) do you find the strength to carry on? How have people changed
their work, if at all, in order to increase its impact and the amount of
response it generates?

[I ask this as I ponder shutting down the weblabel I've run for the last
year because of what appears to be a lack of interest on the part of
both artists and audiences. Have other people had similar experiences?
I'd be interested to compare notes.]


(((PS. This is not a covert ad for my weblabel by the way. But of course
you can visit the site if you want. :-/ 

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lies at the crossroads of 
radicalism and technology."

George W. Bush
17 September 2002

Phil Thomson 

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