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Retinascan News December 2003
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retinascan releases November/December 2003
sorry for crossposting
forceps - unique thievery cover
re31 - forceps - unique thievery pt. a - great western street in tatters
"Unique Thievery" is a concept trying to focus on the connection between
the CD as a product and its content. Triggered by sales sessions on ebay
and realising that most old album have completely lost its monetary
value and were almost unsellable, there was the question of how the
remaining material could be "recycled", thinking of the hardware as well
as of the music itself.
Part a. is derived from a 1991 recording of the infamous swinghop/Acid
Jazz Combo "chapter& the verse", containing 12 tracks that were run
through groups of VST plugins, most of them bred by the fantastic
developer Greg Davis <http://gdavis.dyndns.org/plugins.html>. Through
this work, it has become a unique piece of art as well as a "slightly
changed" second hand item you won't really call "in mint condition"
anymore. Glitch as glitch can.
Due to copyright protection, there's only ONE copy of this release
available and no mp3s up. However, we encourage the potential buyer to
put it up where other can take hold of it.
Unassisted cover artwork
re32 - unassisted - in the land of korbinian pschorr
After his strongly conceptual debut at retinascan, "prototypes",
unassisted Christian
Walch is back with a full-length release placed between Schranz and
creating a unique style of his own. Strict 4/4 beats meet clusters of
noises from
unlimited source materials. Named "In the Land of Korbinian Pschorr",
Walch achieves
to unite bavarian folksiness with the extreme headstrength of his first
future remix - cover artwork
re33 - future remix - everything goes empty
After contributing to the Siemers remix compilation, future remix puts
out his first ton-heavy block of meditative noise at Retinascan
Everything goes empty. Broken noise crush - then empty. It's a closed
loop with noise mixed to infinity. Noise and emptiness in the
background. It's an endless mix - and In the end nothing lasts forever.
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retinascan releases November/December 2003<br>
sorry for crossposting<br>
<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" border="1" width="100%">
<td valign="top" height="105" width="105"><img
alt="forceps - unique thievery cover" width="100" height="100">
<td valign="top"><b>re31 - forceps - unique thievery pt. a - great
western street in tatters</b><br>
<font size="-1">"<big>Unique Thievery" is a concept trying to focus on
the connection between the CD as a product and its content. Triggered by
sales sessions on ebay and realising that most old album have completely
lost its monetary value and were almost unsellable, there was the question
of how the remaining material could be "recycled", thinking of the hardware
as well as of the music itself. <br>
Part a. is derived from a 1991 recording of the infamous swinghop/Acid
Jazz Combo "chapter& the verse", containing 12 tracks that were run through
groups of VST plugins, most of them bred by the fantastic developer</big>
</font><a href="http://gdavis.dyndns.org/plugins.html">Greg Davis</a>.
<big><font size="-1"><big>Through this work, it has become a unique
piece of art as well as a "slightly changed" second hand item you won't really
call "in mint condition" anymore. Glitch as glitch can.<br>
Due to copyright protection, there's only ONE copy of this release available
and no mp3s up. However, we encourage the potential buyer to put it up where
other can take hold of it.</big></font></big><br>
<td valign="top"><img
alt="Unassisted cover artwork" width="100" height="102">
<td valign="top"><b>re32 - unassisted - in the land of korbinian pschorr</b><br>
After his strongly conceptual debut at retinascan, "prototypes", unassisted
Christian <br>
Walch is back with a full-length release placed between Schranz and microsampling,
creating a unique style of his own. Strict 4/4 beats meet clusters of
noises from <br>
unlimited source materials. Named "In the Land of Korbinian Pschorr",
Walch achieves<br>
to unite bavarian folksiness with the extreme headstrength of his first
release. <br>
<td valign="top"><img
alt="future remix - cover artwork" width="100" height="100">
<td valign="top"><b>re33 - future remix - everything goes empty</b><br>
<big><font size="-1"><big>After contributing to the Siemers remix compilation,
future remix puts out his first ton-heavy block of meditative noise at
Everything goes empty. Broken noise crush - then empty. It's a closed
loop with noise mixed to infinity. Noise and emptiness in the background.
It’s an endless mix - and In the end nothing lasts forever. <br>