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Re: [microsound] Microsound TWiki + open source content

On Fri, 2003-12-19 at 11:56, Kim Cascone wrote:
> also, we may be able to migrate from Hotline to TWiki for all future
> projects ..not sure if it will have ALL of the features of Hotline e.g., we
> might  have chat but that might need a plugin for that feature (I still have
> some reading to do)...

Looks like a properly set up wiki will have more features than Hotline. 
At least users should be able to fix their own mistakes (file names and
such) without having an admin poking around.

>         - open? with some rights? copyrighted?

public domain?
All of the above?

> - should we adopt the Creative Commons License for our content?

note that there are few different CC licenses.  Some are not in the
spirit of 'open' and 'free' (as in speech - 'libre').

> - should it be left up to each individual? if so, how do we police this? and
> who?

It depends on this wiki's goals, IMHO.  If the microsound list
owners/founders are moving towards open content as an important
philosophical, economic, political, cultural, whatever aspect of the
whole thing then I think a certain general outline of minimum
requirements should be drafted (like on sourceforge, only open source
projects under GNU license can be hosted.  Other licenses are considered
and accepted under certain circumstances).  And so, only the artists who
are willing to 'give away' their work under a free license will be able
to contribute.  

This way a community of 'open source' microsound artists may be formed.

      __  __ (_)___   Michal Seta
     / 	\/  \ _/^ _|
    /  	     V |_  \ @creazone.32k.org

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