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Re: [microsound] post-ravers: good nEws

that's great news. thank god for that report - now i can attribute my accute
brain damage to heavy drinking instead of heavy ecstasy use.  i'm now really
going to fry the ol' serotonin come new years...



p.s. to quote ali g: "isn't the worst effect of ecstasy that it actually makes
you enjoy house music?'

"tobias c. van Veen" wrote:

> [ For those of you who have hazy memories of the late '80s - 90's, or are
> still in the throes, here is the news .. good news. I've been following /
> researching this for awhile as part of my work on the politics of science
> spin in the media, especially in the way the State represses social
> movements based upon manufactured 'concerns' for the body. best, tV ]
> -- //
> Research on Ecstasy Is Clouded by Errors
> December 2, 2003
> New York Times.
> In September, the journal Science issued a startling retraction.
> A primate study it published in 2002, with heavy publicity, warned that
> the amount of the drug Ecstasy that a typical user consumes in a single
> night might cause permanent brain damage.
> It turned out that the $1.3 million study, led by Dr. George A. Ricaurte
> of Johns Hopkins University, had not used Ecstasy at all. His 10 squirrel
> monkeys and baboons had instead been injected with overdoses of
> methamphetamine, and two of them had died. The labels on two vials he
> bought in 2000, he said, were somehow switched.
> The problem corrupted four other studies in his lab, forcing him to
> withdraw four other papers.
> It was not the first time Dr. Ricaurte's lab was accused of using flawed
> studies to suggest that recreational drugs are highly dangerous. In
> previous years he was accused of publicizing doubtful results without
> checking them, and was criticized for research that contributed to a
> government campaign suggesting that Ecstasy made "holes in the brain."
> Dr. Ricaurte, a 50-year-old neurologist at Hopkins since 1988, is probably
> the best-known Ecstasy expert in the war on drugs. He has received $10
> million from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, more than any other
> investigator of the amphetamine analogs known as designer drugs, club
> drugs or diet drugs, including MDMA, better known as Ecstasy, and its
> close relative MDA.
> He vigorously defends his work, saying much of it has been confirmed by
> other researchers, and arguing that he is often unfairly attacked by
> scientists who minimize the dangers of designer drugs because they want to
> use them in research.
> Johns Hopkins stands behind him. "The institution has every confidence in
> his ability," said Gary Stevenson, a spokesman. Of the primate study, he
> said Dr. Ricaurte "made an honest mistake, then discovered it and revealed
> it."
> But other scientists, and two human research subjects of Dr. Ricaurte's
> who came forward after the retraction, say they see a pattern of shaky
> research supporting alarmist press releases.
> It is hard to find impartial observers in the highly politicized debate
> over illegal drugs. But even three scientists whom Dr. Ricaurte cited in
> his own defense said that while his high media profile had made him a
> "whipping boy" for those favoring Ecstasy research, some of his best-known
> work has nonetheless been "sloppy" or "not as methodologically rigorous as
> you might want."
> Longtime critics are harsher.
> "It's hard to trust George," said Dr. Julie Holland, a professor of
> psychiatry at New York University who has edited a book on Ecstasy and
> wants to test it in psychotherapy. She accused him of "playing games with
> his data" to win more federal grants by making the drugs look bad.
> Dr. Richard J. Wurtman, a prominent clinician at Harvard and M.I.T. who
> has clashed with Dr. Ricaurte, accused him of "running a cottage industry
> showing that everything under the sun is neurotoxic."
> For 20 years, Dr. Ricaurte has produced studies saying the amphetamine
> analogs may cause the tremors of Parkinsonism, depression and memory and
> sleep problems. But the consensus among many amphetamine researchers, Dr.
> Ricaurte included, is that there is no proof thus far that Ecstasy causes
> permanent human brain damage. In animal studies, very high doses have
> destroyed serotonin-pathway nerves, which convey pleasure and affect
> memory and appetite.
> Just last month Dr. Stephen J. Kish of the Center for Addiction and Mental
> Health in Toronto published a review of all Ecstasy research, including
> Dr. Ricaurte's, and concluded that there was no evidence that Ecstasy
> caused the tremors of Parkinsonism or any other brain damage "with the
> possible (but as yet unproven) exception of mild memory loss."
> Some heavy users have memory problems, but no studies prove the loss is
> permanent, or that it is caused by Ecstasy rather than other drugs in the
> mix that virtually all heavy users take.
> Ecstasy - invented in Germany in 1912 by Merck Pharmaceuticals in its
> search for an anti-bleeding drug - has been outlawed in the United States
> since 1985, a decision that Dr. Ricaurte has taken partial credit for.
> Since about 1970, when it was called Adam, some psychiatrists had tried
> giving low doses to trauma victims; in 1985, they stopped, fearing arrest.
> Dr. Holland says it relieves anxiety-provoking memories like a sedative,
> but as an amphetamine, it does not induce sleep. Patients "want to talk
> things through."
> As a potent painkiller, she said, it also may help the terminally ill.
> The Food and Drug Administration recently approved a study in traumatized
> crime victims who have failed to respond to antidepressants. A study of
> rape victims is under way in Spain, and another one in the United States
> is proposed for depressed patients with terminal cancer.
> When Dr. Ricaurte's 2002 primate study was published, his critics said he
> could not possibly have given "typical recreational doses" if 2 of 10
> animals died and two others collapsed of heatstroke.
> According to an annual federal survey, almost 10 million Americans have
> tried Ecstasy. Few have died.
> "Those dead animals should have sent up a red flag," said Dr. Charles R.
> Schuster, a former director of the national drug institute whom Dr.
> Ricaurte has called a mentor. "The better part of valor would have been to
> not publish until it was repeated."
> Dr. Ricaurte said such arguments "do not hold water," since animal deaths
> are common in amphetamine research, and two is too few to compare to human
> death rates. Dr. Nora Volkow, the new director of the national drug
> institute, declined to pass judgment on his whole body of work, but called
> his latest error "crying wolf and losing your credibility." Because of it,
> she said, she spent a weekend checking the agency's Web page on the
> dangers of Ecstasy "to make sure it was not overstated."
> The agency had already removed all current references to another
> well-known study from the site, one from 1998 by Dr. Ricaurte and his
> wife, Dr. Una McCann. Dr. Volkow described it as using "methodologies that
> were not optimal."
> Pictures from the study - PET scans of the brains of Ecstasy users - were
> used on a famous postcard from the drug agency, "Plain Brain/Brain After
> Ecstasy." The postcards were distributed to thousands of teenagers and
> implied that Ecstasy users had shrunken brains with holes in them.
> The study had nothing to do with holes, but with serotonin levels, which
> Dr. Ricaurte found drastically depleted in 14 subjects who had taken
> Ecstasy 70 to 400 times.
> Dr. Marc Laruelle, a Columbia University PET scan specialist, called the
> work so technically flawed that it was "something to put under the rug."
> He cited a recent German study showing that serotonin decreased only
> modestly and returned to normal within six weeks. The Hopkins team, he
> said, presented its data in logarithmically compressed graphs that seemed
> calculated to mask the fact that it had found impossible results: its 15
> "control" subjects had serotonin levels 50 times normal.
> Dr. Ricaurte defended the study, saying his recalculation technique was
> common when results from two groups varied widely, although he said he no
> longer used it.
> Of the photos, Dr. Ricaurte said he had no control over what the national
> drug institute did with his work, but he had asked an agency official to
> fix their "poor quality."
> In the 1990's, Dr. Ricaurte was involved in a dispute over the danger of
> dexfenfluramine, another amphetamine analog sold in Europe as a
> prescription diet drug.
> In 1994, a company founded by Dr. Wurtman, director of clinical research
> at the Harvard-M.I.T. health science division, sought F.D.A. permission to
> market it in the United States.
> Dr. Ricaurte released a study saying it caused brain damage; that was
> immediately disputed by an Environmental Protection Agency study that
> found it did no permanent harm.
> In September 1995, Dr. Mark E. Molliver, a Hopkins colleague who
> frequently published with Dr. Ricaurte, presented slides to an advisory
> committee of the Food and Drug Administration showing Alzheimer's-like
> brain tangles.
> Dr. Wurtman, who contacted The New York Times after the Science article
> retraction, said that Dr. Molliver, with Dr. Ricaurte in the audience,
> misled the committee by implying the damage was done by dexfenfluramine.
> In an interview, Dr. Molliver called that "a blatant lie," and asserted
> that he had clearly said he was showing damage done by similar drugs. Dr.
> Ricaurte agreed.
> But transcripts of a follow-up hearing in November 1995 provided by Dr.
> Wurtman show that several panelists and the F.D.A.'s expert were confused
> and believed that Dr. Molliver had been showing dexfenfluramine damage.
> Ultimately the drug was not approved.
> For a week in 1996, Greg M. was one of Dr. Ricaurte's lab subjects.
> At the time, he said, he was using large amounts of Ecstasy, marijuana,
> LSD, cocaine, amphetamines and heroin.
> After seeing the retraction of the primate study, he contacted The Times,
> and persuaded a friend who had accompanied him to call, too.
> The two revealed their names and occupations but declined to be fully
> identified for fear their former drug use would hurt their careers. Greg
> is a graduate student in chemistry at a leading university. His friend,
> who said he used to follow Grateful Dead tours selling up to 10,000 doses
> of LSD a month, now works at a West Coast law firm and is in line for a
> federal job.
> Curious to see if they had damaged their brains, and enticed by a promise
> of $100 a day and a free East Coast trip, they enlisted.
> Although the two used many drugs, the research assistant who interviewed
> them by phone told them what not to admit to her if they wanted to be in
> the study, Greg said. They were instructed to avoid all drugs for three
> weeks to avoid tainting the study; Greg says he had used heroin five days
> earlier.
> They and other Ecstasy users flown in from the West Coast took memory
> tests while still jet-lagged, they said.
> Then after lumbar punctures to check serotonin levels, neither was given
> the usual night's rest to prevent fierce headaches. They had to carry
> their backpacks across campus and be wired up for a sleep study, which
> Greg argued could not reflect normal sleep patterns because they were in
> pain.
> Both had subsequent tests after shots of morphine and a drug, mCPP, that
> causes the same eyeball twitching and teeth-grinding as Ecstasy, but none
> of the euphoria. Then they had PET scans.
> Dr. Ricaurte said his research protocols are approved by university
> committees. He acknowledged testing sedated or jet-lagged subjects, but
> argued that he had always noted that limitation in his published papers,
> and switched to testing in early mornings when jet lag was minimal. Test
> subjects who get lumbar punctures are warned about headaches, and given
> rest and painkillers, he said.
> To weed out subjects who confound results by using other drugs, Dr.
> Ricaurte said, his staff quizzed volunteers and did blood and urine tests.
> His papers acknowledge that hair tests, which can show many drugs taken
> even months back, would have been more accurate. (Dr. Laruelle, who does
> PET scans of Ecstasy users, rejects subjects with hair less than an inch
> long.)
> Told that Greg had used heroin without getting caught, Dr. Ricaurte said
> that was "unfortunate." But like all drug researchers, he said it was
> impossible to find heavy Ecstasy users who used no other drugs.
> His papers, he said, always warn that poor performance by heavy Ecstasy
> users may have been caused by other drugs.
> His critics say that such fine-print disclaimers are not enough, that all
> mental tests on multiple-drug users are pointless and cannot be used as
> evidence that one particular drug damages the brain.
> Greg's friend reiterated that he had been badly treated and said he felt
> the research was skewed to prove he was brain-damaged.
> "Most of the people I used to do drugs with are pretty screwed up," he
> admitted. "But if Ricaurte's studies are true, Greg and I should both be
> dead. We ate grams a night of pharma-grade stuff."
> Nonetheless, he said: "We're fairly intelligent, rational guys. We had a
> stretch of three or four years where we really blew ourselves out. But
> we're still smart and ambitious. Some of their assertions about long-term
> brain damage are way off."
> http://www.nytimes.com/2003/12/02/science/02ECST.html?ex=1071360852&ei=1&en=
> 786472fa7984fb10
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