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Re: [microsound] [OT] turing, AI and art
> it seems
> irrational that anything that intelligent would be malicious.
Actually, I'm inclined to think anything that intelligent would commit
planetary suicide.
Like the ending of Koyaanasqatsi.
We are the computer. (Already).
ps. Brainthought on 'microsound' tip -- ending of Koyaan. -- the perspective
of flashing the 'living grid' of the city to the computer motherboard
remains a direct example (nay, not example, but actuality) of the
macro/micro relation (the small is the large, the large writ small). Here we
are making small music on powerful computers at small sizes in the grand
grid of the world's largest computer--each city a node--on the planetary
grid of a large computer computing the smallest equation yet the infinite
limit: death.
tobias c. van Veen -----------
--- tobias@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
---McGill Communications------
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