From: "Reynols ^" <reynols@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: clarmogal@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: REYNOLS 1993-2004
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2004 03:40:20 +0000
Hi, everybody
Hope all is fine there. We would like to let you know that Reynols'
life-cycle has come to its natural end.
Anyway, there are still some forthcoming records under that name, with
stuff we recorded in 2003 and before. And we have around 100 or 200 hours
of recorded stuff that will appear sooner or later: enough for anybody not
to miss the band too much in the coming years.
This is not a traumatic decision, we are all still friends and we feel that
to end a project in the right moment is the best way to keep its spirit
alive... We will go on playing with Miguel Tomasin on the Sol Mayor
Project, playing classic rock covers only in benefit gigs for schools and
disability institutions. And we will probably develop some other different
projects in the future.
We want to thank all the people that supported us over the past years:
labels, magazines, bands, journalists, musicians, venues, festivals,
radios, TV shows, web-sites, foundations, universities, sound technicians,
producers, photographers, record shops, distributors, audiences, and
friends in general. We also want to thank our detractors because they were
also part of this meaningful learning experience.
And mind we are talking about Reynols' terrestrial death: the band will
always be alive in Minecxio. So head that way whenever you feel like paying
them a visit.
Buenos Aires, January 2004