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RE: [microsound] Fwd: [idm] Sign Petition for CBS to run MoveOn.Org TV ad

there was only one ad they were going to air and it
was the winner of a competition. check at
some of the ones that didn't win are pretty good
and/or funny too. i only watched the finalists,
though. there were about a thousand entrants,

--- scott allison <lipistal3@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> This is interesting to me... advertising media
> guidelines are often spelled 
> out. I would be interested in seeing which ads the
> below campaign wanted to 
> run, why is it that cbs is refusing to run them?
> Dont get me wrong, I am not 
> in favor of pro-bushness in anyway. But I have
> worked on ad campaigns before 
> that publications would not run/air because they
> feared ligigation 
> issues/lawsuits etc or they might contain
> imagery-words or references that 
> the station did not like, I find this to be a
> interesting form of 
> censorship, thats why I think it would be intersting
> see the ads side by 
> side, maybe almost have a site where it shows the
> ads the white house got to 
> run next to the oppsoing-denyed ads so people could
> see really what CBS 
> decided to turn down, it would then have a
> possiblilty of showing the public 
> just exactly where that stands stands politically.
> >>CBS is refusing to air ads created by the Bush in
> 30
> >>Seconds ad contest and the People for the Ethical
> >>Treatment of Animals, even though the White House
> will
> >>be allowed to run one. As we enter an election
> year,
> >>it's critical that our media institutions be fair
> and
> >>open to all speakers. That's why we're telling
> CBS,
> >>"don't play politics with free speech. If the
> White
> >>House can run an ad during Super Bowl, other
> groups
> >>should be allowed to run issue ads as well."
> Rethink your business approach for the new year with
> the helpful tips here. 
> http://special.msn.com/bcentral/prep04.armx
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