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[microsound] Current 93
I know this is unrelated to "microsound" but I thought I'd mention it anyways. A friend of mine is presenting the following concerts in Toronto:
Friday 18 June & Saturday 19 June, Toronto, Ontario (Canada)
Current 93, Six Organs of Admittance, Simon Finn
The Music Gallery, St George-the-Martyr Anglican Church, 197 John Street, Toronto, ON, M5T 1X6, Canada
A map of the location may be found at www.musicgallery.org.
Tickets are $60 Canadian dollars per night. Capacity is strictly limited to 150 people per night.
Tickets are available from Monday, 2 February onwards. They may be ordered by phone by calling Encore Records in Toronto at +1 519-744-1370 or by faxing them at +1 519-745-0840 or by emailing the organiser Mark Logan at malogan@xxxxxxxxxxx