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Re: [microsound] text and context

Some of you might enjoy this book I found used titled "The Theory of the Avant-Garde" by Renato Poggioli, I have not had a chance to really dig into it yet, but the chapters sound interesting, I have read the one on technology and the avant garde, but really need to read it a few more times to understand it, the book was written in 1968 if that provides any historical context.

>I think it's possible to be ahead of the 'garde'
>just as one can knowwhat's likely to happen while driving ;
>keeping one's eyes on the road.
-Viewing sideways might give unexpected surprises, that
 are (possibly) much nicer...

> Perhaps being avant-garde is a sign of maturity.
-Or just enough ignorance, in order not to be distracted...

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