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RE: [microsound] text and context

sort of a pointless comment but:
that's great that you called the patches Oulipo!
a (mostly? for some reason i thought Borges, Cortazar, and Calvino had some
involvement but maybe i'm just lumping them in associatively ) French
literary group that liked to play with language and writing in almost
mathmatical ways. 
cool thing to name a text patch.


> [Original Message]
> From: scott allison <lipistal3@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: 1/17/2004 2:49:35 PM
> Subject: RE: [microsound] text and context
> Are there patches patch that that can turn sound into text or text 
> animation?
> Also what are the Oulipo patches? they sound excellent.
> best
> Scott
> >I have been toying with the idea of text projects since messing about
> >some Oulipo Max patches I made a few years ago but I think this might be
> >easier to manage once our TWiki server is up and running bug free (q:
> >a: soon)...
> >
> >but I like this idea very much and feel it's time to break out of the
> >'glitch music' ghetto and move on to some other interesting projects
> >involving images, movies, text, etc...
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