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RE: [microsound] Derrida, The Movie

I read that IT guy's account a few days ago.  This one is more abrasive:

To summarize, I think it is an inordinately partial view on the subject, too
biased by the regular expectations of someone with an engineering
background, although the guy on the link you posted tries really hard not to
be so.  I should add that I am an IT guy myself and was once a theoretical
physicist, so I do understand what it is the authors of these articles feel
is lacking.

My attitude and interest towards Derrida is, first and foremost, how it
stimulates you to think -- even if for only that, that would be reason
enough to play around with it.  Second, it indirectly somewhat illustrates
some of the problems of philosophy (and all associated fields), and thus
shows the state of human thought and the issues and challenges (or facets
thereof) it currently faces.  I believe it was Heidegger who said that all
of philosophy since Plato has been no more than footnotes, because all it
does is restate the same fundamental problems over and over again.  In that
sense, Derrida's 'anything goes' is but another perspective, and certainly
any possible insights it may give are not to be carelessly discarded.

Anyway, I found the IT guy's account quite interesting.  As for the other
one at answers.org, well...  too many blanket statements for my own taste.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Caleb Deupree [mailto:ctdeupree@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
> Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2004 9:42 PM
> To: microsound
> Subject: Re: [microsound] Derrida, The Movie
> I admit to not having followed Derrida for some years, but I 
> had come to the conclusion that deconstruction was just a 
> fancy introverted way of saying anything goes and therefore 
> required no further attention.  
> Recently I read an account of a software person's exposure to 
> deconstruction which seemed to hit the nail on the head at 
> http://www.info.ucl.ac.be/people/PVR/decon.html.
> On Jan 14, 2004, at 9:07 PM, Paulo Mouat wrote:
> > On a broader scale, how does Derrida's thought and 
> deconstructionism 
> > in general affect the work you do or your approach towards it?
> ---
> Caleb Deupree
> ctdeupree@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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