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Re: [microsound] (OT) A request
Have you already tried the whitehouse website? It has tons of media, going
back at least several years. I got some juicy post-9/11 stuff from there a
while ago for my piece "greater and more immediate" on my website (and a
couple of comps). Stuff like "those who make war against the united states
have chosen their own destruction". I found "things would be a lot easier
if this was a dictatorship... as long as I'm the dictator" on indymedia.
Speaking of Dubya quotes:
Maurice Rickard said:
> I've been using a lot of GW Bush samples in my recent pieces, but I
> didn't grab anything from the recent Meet the Press appearance. Does
> anyone know of any sites that might have archived the audio of this?
> (*Other* than MSNBC, which has a stupid browser restriction system
> that prevents me from finding the stream...although if you have a
> direct URL to the stream, that might help.) Or did anyone else
> archive this?
> Thanks for any pointers,
> M
> --
> Maurice Rickard
> http://mauricerickard.com/ | http://onezeromusic.com/
Phil Thomson
home: http://www.sfu.ca/~pthomson/
label: http://centibel.vze.com/
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