From: "jan.larsson" <jan.l@xxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: microsound <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: microsound <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [microsound] white middle class music
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2004 23:19:22 +0200
My apology to Canada which has a very evolved and interesting electronic
music culture with an impressive history. Those who live in Canada are of
course as evil as the rest of us ;=)
I also generalized by using the word "white". I dont think skin-color has
anything to do with this. I myself live in europe, have all the money I
need and then some. I'm as much part of this as anyone else.
Perhaps it would be wiser to use the term "geopolitical zones" rather than
specific country names.
But I stand by my original statement. What is available on P2P is what
interest a very limited demographic young middle-class audience in europe
and northern america. Before I answered this I picked 40 CD:s from my shelf
and found only five (5) of the artists on P2P. These are not difficult or
particularly fancy records, just records I bought on travels and in various
stores around town here. Those five found were all US artists or english
speaking european artists.
Without having any clue or real data to back this up whatsoever I'd even
claim that microsound music sits neatly and exclusively in the western
middle/upper-class. Is this a problem? I dont think so, not as long as you
are aware of it.
>Kim Cascone wrote:
>>>there is not much freedom of choice either. what you can find on the
p2p ne=
>>>tworks is mostly only stuff that interest white middle-class youth in
the U=
>>>S and maybe europe. the ones that get their bandwidth usage paid by mom
>>>dad. I tried finding even the most interesting artists from a selection
>>>countries around the world and they are just not available.=20
>>% I would have to disagree somewhat with this comment...while the
>>divide' .possibly. privileges white middle class kids - brandishing
>>computers and internet connections paid for by mom and dad - there is
also a
>>lot of non-white music (music made by musicians who are not white) to be
>> while it might be mostly white kids who are file trading
(which I
>>am not so sure of) there is a wealth of diverse musical styles to be
>>via p2p...
>Emailing from Canada, I disagree as well with the "US and maybe Europe
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