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Re: [microsound] w/r/t silence

On Tuesday, April 27, 2004, at 12:11 AM, Kim Cascone wrote:

didn't Cage actually prove that there was NO SUCH THING as silence? that we
are always hearing through the gauze of biological noise? Cage used
'silence' as a way of turning our attention to sounds we normally filter

yes indeed, but by doing this through the lense of 'non-intention', ie that not only was there the gauze of 'biological noise' (nice description) as experienced in his famous anechoic chamber story, but that 'music is all around us, if only we had ears' [preamble to Variations IV]. Silence as allsound is important in the Cageian world view.

I agree that he was an excellent composer. People seem to forget his entire output and discuss him as if he only wrote 4'33". That is very shortsighted in my view. The 'Constructions in Metal' and 'Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano' are excellent pieces.

I also find the writing incredibly illuminating.



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