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Re: [microsound] Silence But Louder

> Has anyone ever released a professionally pressed cd (not cd-r) of pure 
> silence? If not what is the most silent album known to us? 

First of all, I must say that the nature of the first part of this question seems rather dubious. As if such a work isn't valid unless it's released on a "professionally pressed CD"...?

That aside, one release that contains tracks using sounds that are inaudible to the average human ear would be by *0 (Nosei Sakata) entitled 0.000. There is also an audible test tone track at the beginning and end of the disc. And yes, it was pressed on a "professionally pressed CD." Big deal. 

Best, Dale

Dale Lloyd: http://www.and-oar.org/dalelloyd.html
and/OAR: http://www.and-oar.org/