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Re: [microsound] Re: affordable field recording mic

I use the sony EMC-MS907 (mid-side stereo) with a minidisk.
Its very portable and the results are good


On 21/04/2004, at 6:59 AM, Andrea Valle wrote:

> Dunno if it helps. Anycase for my minidisc I'm really impressed by my 
> versatile soundman (www.soundman.de)
> ciao
> -a-
> On Martedì, apr 20, 2004, at 22:29 Europe/Rome, Brian Klein wrote:
>> http://www.phonography.org
>> i was considering buying that model, too. let me know
>> how it sounds once you've tested it.
>> --- Biagio Azzarelli <biagio@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> I'm expecting a new toy in the mail any day.
>>> It's an iRiver iHP 120 hard drive player/recorder.
>>> Kinda like iPod but more capabilities. I want
>>> to buy decent microphone for the purpose of
>>> field recordings but don't know where to begin.
>>> Any suggestions or stores to visit? I live in
>>> San Francisco, CA.
>>> thanks,
>>> Biagio Azzarelli
>>> biagio@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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Mr Mark Brown
Associate Lecturer in Music
Vincent Campus
College of Music, Visual Arts and Theatre
James Cook University
Townsville, Queensland

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