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Re: [microsound] Booking. Portland OR~

hey, zachary

i'll be in seattle for awhile in june and i plan on
coming down to portland at some point in my stay. 


there are a few live sets at



--- zachary reno <zacharyreno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> So here we are almost half a year in on the monthly
> I've been curating. I'm shocked at how well it's
> been going. People 
> showing up and LISTENing. 
> I've  posted this before, but wanted to do so again.
> Maybe get some responses this time around, due to
> summer being 
> almost here. 
> If you are working with sound (improvised or not.) -
> field recordings, noise, silence, etc. AND you are
> going to be in 
> PORTLAND, OR. Please get ahold of me. The SERIES
> event ( http://www.dunes.cc/series ) is every second
> Thursday of the 
> month. As well I'm trying to organize a few events
> throughout the summer time. The crowds are small to
> medium, but 
> growing, and great listeners. So yeah, write down
> the info, and send us some Mp3's or whatever... :) 
> (zaharyreno@xxxxxxxx)
> Take care,
> ~zachary reno
> http://www.pnca.edu/~zreno
> http://www.urbanhonking.com/theend
> http://www.lsfrecords.com/onomato
> SERIES_ (monthly improvised electronics and sound)
> http://www.dunes.cc/series
> -- 
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