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RE: [microsound] [OT] scene.org

According to the website...

It must be Murphy's law.. starting a long easter weekend with disk problems
on the scene.org server.. I just barely managed to log in remotely, and
killed most services to stop the machine from hanging itself.

Running a badblock scan now, but it doesn't look very good..

Update 09-04-2004: Managed to get the website online on another server
temporarily. The rest of the services will be offline until next tuesday i'm

-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Thomson [mailto:philthom@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 5:19 PM
To: microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [microsound] [OT] scene.org

Hi all,

Is anybody else having trouble connecting to scene.org? It seems to have
been down since last night at least. I'm just a bit concerned, cuz all
centibel's files are hosted there. They usually seem pretty reliable, but
I've been half-expecting them to disappear for a while now.


Phil Thomson
home: http://www.sfu.ca/~pthomson
label: http://centibel.org/
group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/databenders/

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