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Re: [microsound] digitalstress

From: jl

> many engineers have now started to add noise to their mixes. this can
> be plain noise or recorded tape noise fron analogue tape recorders.
> this is to make digital mixes more listenable. there are even CD:s
> available with noise you can add to your mix. I havent heard these but
> I know many commercial mixers have always used noise actively in their
> mixes to get a brigher overall sound.

that's very interesting, would you perhaps be able to point out some good
articles on that topic? i've been trying to do this in various way for a
while now and the results are very hit and miss. some guidelines would be
invaluable to me.

on a related note, everybody around me who presses records presses those
from cd masters, even those that mixdown to tape. does anybody have
experience with getting around that and pressing from tape? i would like to
try that once and should have the oportunity in the near future, what are
some of the pitfalls? how do i avoid them?

any pointers would be greatly apreceated.


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