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Re: [microsound] puff 'n stuff
On Fri, 02 Apr 2004 14:07:38 -0800, Kim Cascone wrote
> 7- *** I need some web jockey's to help Eloy put together the pages
> for the RND_TXT and Madrid Project pages...please content Eloy (on
> list is fine) if you can contribute php, flash, perl, design, et al skills...
i have perl, flash, html, css skills [also python, SQL, apache] and can help some.
> 8- is anyone interested in continuing the book club?
> 9- Derek said he would be into setting up a 'how install Linux on a PC/PPC
> laptop' page for any microsounders thinking of going Linux...I know
> he had some nice things to say about the Gentoo distro
> <http://www.gentoo.org/> and that might a good place to start for
> newbies...(???)
gentoo is cool- i run it myself. microsounders might want to check out
dynebolic- a live cd [system boots off cd] that has a ton of audio apps
preconfigured [i think- i haven't gotten too far into it].
\js [ . . . ]
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