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[microsound] puff 'n stuff

1- PLZ do NOT send me material to put up on the microsound hotline server
for you...especially without asking me FIRST! part of all projects is about
taking responsibility for learning how to contribute material...this means
DL'ing a hotline client and learning how to UL content to the server...if I
receive content from someone without giving them permission the file will be
automatically deleted...

2- I am leaving tomorrow morning (April 3) for 6 weeks and I do not assign
passwords while I'm on the road...I don't always have net access and/or the
time to devote to pswd assignment...so anyone wanting a password will have
to wait until May 15th...sorry!

3- PLZ do not cross post to this list...this means spamming out
announcements to multiple lists (with microsound being Cc:'d) all at the
same time...

4- I will post a new project for LatinoAmerican artists when I return in mid

5- trim your posts...its really annoying to have to scroll thru digests
looking for who said what to whom...just copy the parts you are responding
to and delete the rest...think before hitting the reply button in your email

6- still no word on the TWiki server for the microsound list...I have been
nagging Andy for an ETA and he has been very busy with work related stuff...

7- *** I need some web jockey's to help Eloy put together the pages for the
RND_TXT and Madrid Project pages...please content Eloy (on list is fine) if
you can contribute php, flash, perl, design, et al skills...

8- is anyone interested in continuing the book club? we were up to ch 3 or 4
in the Road's Microsound book before people lost interest...but we can
choose a different book if this title is too daunting for people...

9- Derek said he would be into setting up a 'how install Linux on a PC/PPC
laptop' page for any microsounders thinking of going Linux...I know he had
some nice things to say about the Gentoo distro <http://www.gentoo.org/> and
that might a good place to start for newbies...(???)

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