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Re: [microsound] improvisers dream come true

Yeah...  the marketing dudes at gibson aren't thinking stright, I guess

"j.frede" <jfrede@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> "The digital guitar uses computer chips to clean up the signal

which signal?  The natural signal of a vibrating string?  clean it of

perhaps the signal of the pick-ups/electronics?  Is Gibson implying
that their guitars are inherently noisy?

> It also allows the player to control the sound of each string. For
> example, the guitarist can have a heavy metal crunch on the low
> strings, medium distortion on the middle strings [snip]

I hope the cleaning of the signal is optional in this case.  Now, if
it isn't, I wonder what's the order: clean before distorting or the
other way around?

P.S.  Sorry for the waste of bandwidth.  I'm sure they're / will be
great instruments but at present the marketing catchlines aren't very
convincing.  Anyone tried this thing yet?

      __  __ (_)___   Michal Seta
     / 	\/  \ _/^ _|
    /  	     V |_  \ @creazone.32k.org

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