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Re: [microsound] naw on tour????

i've got a gig for you @ for your eyes only.

Neil Wiernik wrote:

> ok I know this is sort of short notice but I have a week off from work and
> would be interested in playing some nights: Im availalbe for live shows
> out side of montreal from may 15th untill may 24th.
> Ideally Im looking for some thing in the toronto area but Im open to other
> places in canada or the us. so if ay one is interested in having a livepa
> by naw at thier night please get in touch with me.
> thanks
> neil
> aka naw
> --------------------------------------
> [neil adam wiernik aka naw]
>  neil@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> [music available on]
>  http://www.noisefactoryrecords.com
>  http://www.pieheadrecords.com
>  http://www.worthyrecords.com
>  http://www.complot.ca
> [artist features]
>  http://www.clevermusic.net
>  http://www.newmusiccanada.com
>  http://www.cognitionaudioworks.com
> --------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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