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[microsound] [playlist] framework - 30.04.04
framework broadcasts live alternate fridays on resonance fm 104.4 in london (uk), or worldwide on http://www.resonancefm.com between 8:30 and 9:30pm gmt, and repeated the following wednesday between 11:00am and 12:00 noon gmt
next live broadcast: 14.05.04
~ time zone converter: http://www.worldtimeserver.com/?h=8&mn=30&ap=pm&mo=5&d=14&y=2004&f=GB
framework - phonography/field recording; contextual and decontextualized sound activity
presented by patrick mcginley
first off i'd like to wish resonancefm a happy second birthday! we began broadcasting on the 1st of may, 2002, and are now busy applying for our 5 year license. this has only been possible thanks to the support and help we have been given by you, our listeners. thank you! resonance will be hosting it's second birthday party on may 15th here in london; please come along! more info is available on the website: http://www.resonancefm.com. there you can also find more info on ways you can support our efforts and keep the station going strong.
this week we featured a new double cd release entitled construction sonor, new works by tore honore boe and christian h. sotemann, and a multi perspective sound sculpture improvisation by dallas simpson, viv corringham and derek shiel.
construction sonor is a project initiated by pro helvetia using field recordings taken by swiss artist bernd schurer along the rail network and rail construction sites connecting the northern and southern swiss alps. these incredible recordings, which make up the first of these two discs, were then passed on to a collection of artists living and working along the same routes - their compositions make up the second disc. we listened to a mix of a handful of the compositions on the constant bed of schurer's powerful original recordings.
we then coupled two new environmental collages in tore honore boe's follow-up to his earlier siesta release, suave, with three different perspectives on one extremely minimal composition by german artist christian h. sotemann. the composition exists as two individual strikes of a single note on a guitar with a brief four bar pause between them, finishing as long after the second strike as the performer deems fit. the cd comprises six versions of the piece recorded in different locations: the first three in recording and rehearsal studios, and the second, more interestingly for us, in various field locations.
tonight's show finished with another series of perspectives: a sound improvisation performed and recorded by dallas simpson and viv corringham around a sound sculpture created by derek shiel. i was provided with three binaural recordings of the same performance, one from dallas' perspective, one from viv's, and one from a fixed point dummy head located nearby. with the three recordings synchronised, we heard a pattern of crossfades and multiplications of the entire piece.
lastly, in keeping with our current series of landmark dates, our next edition will be framework's 50th show! if anyone would like to record a special anniversary introduction i leave it to your discretion, artistic license granted!
again, we are always looking for material for the show, whether raw field recordings, field recording based composition or introduction submissions. send material, released or not, on any format, to the address below. we are also hoping to have live performances as often as possible, so if you are in or passing through london please get in touch!
31 nevill road
london n16 8sl
this edition will be rebroadcast this wednesday, 05.05.04, at 11:00am gmt
~ time zone converter: http://www.worldtimeserver.com/?h=11&mn=00&ap=am&mo=5&d=5&y=2004&f=GB
(artist / title / album / label)
thanos chrysakis / framework intro
a rainy introduction by this resonant cities contributor; his stasisfield work will feature in an upcoming edition
my.ym / - / se.quences / audiot
electro-acoustic constructions from latvian artist and online label featuring oloolo and derek holzer
bernd schurer / environment 1 / construction sonor / pro helvetia
a base of raw recordings was used from this first disc (tracks 1 - ???) onto which were laid the following compositions, ranging from abstract collage to virtual pop music, weaving in and out of schurer's original sources
http://www.pro-helvetia.ch, http://www.gallerie-ph.ch
erik mathon / -
christian fennesz / -
claudio gianfreda / -
tomas korber, gunter muller / - / construction sonor / pro helvetia
http://www.for4ears.com, http://www.tomaskorber.com
christian h. sotemann - cryptic scenery / iv / being - six objects / bsbta
this perspective recorded on sotemann's balcony in bremen, december, 1999
tore honore boe / dar a luz / suave / purple soil
stunning raw collage on siesta's follow up, this one an 'opus for 3rd +basement interior + positioning'
http://www.kunst.no/origami/tore, purplesoil@xxxxxxxxxx
christian h. sotemann - cryptic scenery / v / being - six objects / bsbta
now near the torfcanalbecken in bremen, august, 2000
tore honore boe / otitis / suave / purple soil
'opus for ear infection + flagpole interior + levels' - both these pieces based on recordings taken in agadir, arguineguin and san fernando
http://www.kunst.no/origami/tore, purplesoil@xxxxxxxxxx
christian h. sotemann - cryptic scenery / v / being - six objects / bsbta
and finally in bremen's harbor area, september 2000 - in the rain?
dallas simpson/viv corringham/derek shiel / 1st encounter / - / -
as described above, dallas and viv improvising with voice and objects in and around a sound sculpture in the garden by derek shiel
http://www.waterpump.f9.co.uk, http://www.vivdc.org.uk
framework intro submissions:
1) take yourself and an audio recording device to a location of your choice
2) record for AT LEAST 1 minute before you -
3) read the following text:
welcome to framework.
framework is a show consecrated to field recording, and it's use in composition.
field recording, phonography, the art of sound-hunting; open your ears and listen!
4) continue your recording for AT LEAST 2 minutes after you've finish speaking
5) send the recording on any format to the address above, or as an mp3 via email
the framework 2003 cd is now available directly from the resonancefm online shop, along with a selection of other benefit cds, t-shirts, and general paraphernalia. drop in here to have a look:
framework 2003
resonancefm benefit cd featuring highlights from the year's broadcasting
rob grant & melanie clifford / framework intro
thomas dimuzio / unearth & lift and spear / sonicism / rrrecords
chris watson / river mara at night / stepping into the dark / touch
johannes helden / - / sketchbook / trente oiseaux
toy bizarre / - / kdi dctb 116 / absurd
murmer / liquid solid / definition / absurd
jgrzinich & seth nehil / the distant edge / confluence / intransitive
seth nehil & jgrzinich / the mirrored corner / stria / erewhon
annette lissauer / framework intro
toby paddock / air, surface and magnetic vibrations / - / -
steve roden / - / resonant cities / trente oiseaux
francisco lopez / untitled #101 / untitled (2000) / ignis projekt
mnortham / ancient sewer pipe, valletta, malta / phonography.org 5 / phonography.org
the quiet american / donkey trains leaving marpha, nepal / phonography.org 4 / phonography.org
steve barsotti / trainyard presence / phonography.org 5 / phonography.org
k. m. krebs / jericho sailing center (nautical gamelan) / phonography.org 4 / phonography.org
david daniell / highway 371, forty miles south of farmington, january 19, 1998, 2:25 pm / sem / antiopic
joyce hinterding / - / spectral / antiopic/sigma editions
david daniell / dixon lake road, july 31, 1999, 5:45 am / sem / antiopic
tacet ncv / live on framework
jean-luc guionnet & bertrand denzler / live on framework
dallas simpson / framework intro