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[microsound] (web-based) interactive sound art?
Niklas Werner <bergtroll@xxxxxx> schrieb:
> Features will basically be:
> - "off-line" interface for composers to create sound art
> pieces/installation for the web (this is where there must be a framework
> to allow "composition" of the Net's peculiarities (latency, jitter,
> interaction between the players, etc...) in addition to the usual musical
> parameters
> - on-line interface for "players" to mess around with the installation
> - All that probably in a p2p approach using a server only for net-address
> brokerage
> An outdated proposal of this can be found at:
> http://www.niklaswerner.de/Assets/PhD-Thesis-Expose_EN.pdf
> Is anybody already working on such a beast (or similar, of course) or
> knows anybody who is? (I am aware of quintet-net, peersynth, FMOL,
> jam2jam, webdrum/JSyn, Dase, Lemu and some others and have contacted
> their authors)
I'm part of a group (made up of Max Neuhaus, Phil Burk, David
Birchfield, Jason Freeman, Kristjan Varnik, and myself) working on
something similar right now:
It's still in the early stages, but you may find it worth a look
nonetheless. We are using JSyn for synthesis and TransJam for the
networking architecture. There should be a paper and poster session at
this year's NIME conference on the technical details of the
architecture. Feel free to contact me if you want more info.
C. Ramakrishnan cramakrishnan@xxxxxxx
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