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Re: [microsound] (web-based) interactive sound art?
I've used PD to dynamically create patches in the past, but I did have
problems with removing elements. This was probably purely my own fault, and
I didn't try very hard to fix it.
> (did someone say there is a working version of SCServer for
> windows?).
Well, 'working' might be too strong a word, but according to
http://swiki.hfbk-hamburg.de:8888/MusicTechnology/586, there is a "windows
version of scsynth. if you don't have sclang on a osx or linux machine
running, it's useless. you should wait until there is a windows port of
sclang.". This has not changed for several months. I can only imagine that
this is not enough for allowing SC to sit there waiting for OSC messages to
build / play / whatever, but I could be wrong.
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