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[microsound] call for performers, london headphone festival
hi all,
we are now accepting proposals for performances at london's second annual placard international headphone festival, to take place on saturday, july17th from 12pm-2am.
over forty artists will each perform a 20 minute slot; slots continue non-stop without breaks (thanks to multiple performance areas and automatic crossfading) for the full 14 hours. listening is via headphones only; upwards of 100 plug-in points are provided throughout the space for listeners who have brought their own headphones. last year's event saw performances by the likes of leafcutter john, jonathan coleclough, colin potter, jem finer, peter cusack and max eastley. this year has plans to feature, among others, main, janek schaefer, kaffe matthews and paul hood.
for more info on this and last year's event see here: http://placard.slab.org/
if you would be interested if performing, now's the time to get in touch! please send a short proposal directly to me - we will be looking for proposals that make specific and original use of the listening format. everyone welcome!
all the best,