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[microsound] re: on working methods for live performance

how many times has this been discussed here?

if it is true that demanding a performance is along
the lines of being more interested in a performance
that in hearing music.  to those people:  buy a nice
stereo and stay at home and listen.  it will sound
better and save you a lot in ticket and travel prices
(which may not be a consideration for you big city
hipsters) for shows.  

i don't care if someone is playing a laptop or there
is an entire band playing a lot of different
instruments, however, when i go to a show, the
band/act/performer, what ever, better be working damn
fucking hard at what they do, or they should get off
stage, or shut their ibook lids and only open them to
check email, word process or use photoshop.  and by
hard i don't mean playing pre-recorded tracks off a
laptop (DJing is an art, playing your own tracks for
people who paid to see you is an ego trip), or by
using the same plug-ins and granulation whatever that
everyone else uses.  keeping up to date on software
and using the hippest and newest in order to stay
cutting edge is just as dumb. by that i mean they
better be performing with their own voice, or why not
just see the people who did it first and better.   the
performance better mean more than just filler for the
acoustic space.  because of the nature of their
instrument, it's just so easy for a laptopper to pull
a set out of their ass without practice or effort. 
just drag and drop sounds into plug-ins (holy shit
listen to that crazy jitter effect!).  in spite of
their crafty minimalist haircuts, black frame glasses
and heads filled with trivia about the 20th century
avant-garde, they will be found out!  xenakis wouldn't
have wussed out and pulled a piece out of his ass, so
why would we?

i think i'm an asshole,

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