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RE: [microsound] OT - Draft by 2005 - And a side note

Rudy: what are you talking about?!  This is insane
stuff, man 

You realize that abuse is abuse is abuse, right? 

Also, that unless I'm mistaken the Geneva Convention
is pretty widely thought to be a reasonable text of
defintions and guidelines in war.  I am guessing that
you feel it is bs or something, or just
'beside-the-point'... cause you're just plain wrong
when you say that this abuse doesn't qualify as
torture (unless you want to create your own personal
definition of "torture" -- .. which is fine.. hey, why
not make it only applicable as a term to use, if
people other then americans engage in this stuff
called "torture". Hey, why not make being american
something that qualifies you for special exemption
from this 'definition' and its moral structure, when
and if such 'tactics', etc. are engaged in... (we can
include brits in this as long as they stick with the
program too).  What the hell?!, right?! Might is right
baby! There is nothing else.  Welcome to fascism.) 

- andrew

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