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Re: [microsound] OT - Draft by 2005 - And a side note

In a message dated 23/05/2004 05:35:53 GMT Daylight Time,  
fgrecs@xxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

The  European governments have some grievances that should be answered.
However,  trying to paint America as the devil shows me that there is an
embarrassing  amount of jealousy in Europe at America's power and their  own

oh the british government have thier own problems with  regards to iraq, dont 
think otherwise,but your defense of the  most-obviously-a-glove-puppet man in 
the world is curious.He has become a lot  more adept in public appearances, 
but only when advance preparation is possible,  as some recent appearances have 

"He who has rejected his demons badgers us to  death with his angels"
Henri Michaux
