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RE: [microsound] OT - Draft by 2005 - And a side note

I did for years when overseas.  You may not know this but I have lived in
both sides of the Atlantic for about half my life each side.  A lot of it
was garbage.  Especially the BBC, who don't dare criticize their own errors.

The European governments have some grievances that should be answered.
However, trying to paint America as the devil shows me that there is an
embarrassing amount of jealousy in Europe at America's power and their own

The Americans are not dogs.  Bush isn't as bad as people say (and no, he's
"not worse" as I'm sure someone with a skewed sense of humor will put here).
Perhaps it may be time for you to think about the responsibility the job of
American president carries.  It's one that no one who thinks it through
would really want.


I heard one of our list folk performed in Spain.  I'd like to know how the
scene is going in Madrid.  I'm utterly out of touch with it (but know a
couple of friends back in Galicia).



-----Original Message-----
From: JPaul23@xxxxxxx [mailto:JPaul23@xxxxxxx] 
Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 9:22 PM
To: microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [microsound] OT - Draft by 2005

In a message dated 23/05/2004 05:20:17 GMT Daylight Time,  
fgrecs@xxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

You give  non-American residents a ridiculous picture of what life is like
the  States.  Abu Ghraib is a blip on the screen to most Americans.  And,
willing to bet, to most Iraqis.  The only ones really jumping up  and down
for this are Saddam Loyalists, Communists and their sympathizers,  and the
kooky fringes of Arab society.  That's a shame.  Those  who will be punished
will be punished for dereliction.  What they did,  however, does not even
come close to qualifying as  "torture."

maybe you should watch some non-american news  broadcasts.

"He who has rejected his demons badgers us to  death with his angels"
Henri Michaux


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