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Re: [microsound] OT - Draft by 2005
Right. The argument that Rangel is making has to do with the
disproportion of representation of African Americans in the armed
forces. If the draft is instituted universally, the army won't any
longer be a club of the poor and the lower working class (read: easy
scapegoats for events like Abu Ghraib). But Bush has different
reasons for want to reinstitute it. He needs more bodies to cover his
ass in a military operation that has turned into a national disaster
and led to complete anarchy in an occupied country. Like Gabriel
Kolko, I'd almost like to see him reelected now so that he can
continue his path of self-apocalypse, isolate the US internationally,
and destroy the republican party (the fascist wing of the corporate
class) for a few generations. It's becoming a beautiful thing to
behold actually: imperial racism on display everyday in the papers
and on TV for the entire world to see and no rocks for the
perpetrators to crawl under. A beautiful essay this week by Slavoj
Zizek on all of this:
"among other things, eliminates higher education as a
shelter "
time for Dick Cheney to pay his debt to society now. And no National
Guard for Dubya, either :-)
On Sat, 22 May 2004 12:11:59 -0700, Rudolph A. Carrera
<fgrecs@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Scott;
> That's not entirely true. A congressman from New York, Democrat Charlie
> Rangel, was the one who had been asking for this. He's a bit of a raving
> liberal, and apparently feels that if the draft happens, it will scare
> America's youth into voting Bush out. Normally, my opinion of liberal
> lunatics such as Rangel is pretty low, but he sounds just like Jackie
> Gleason when he talks. No way in hell I can hate a guy who sounds like
> that.
> Best,
> Rudy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: scott allison [mailto:lipistal3@xxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 7:52 AM
> To: microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [microsound] OT - Draft by 2005
> http://www.congress.org/congressorg/issues/alert/?alertid=5834001&content_di
> r=ua_congressorg
> Really only of interest to those in the United States, but apprently Bush is
> working to reinstate the draft by spring 2005.
> Scott
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