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[microsound] workshop: Belgium

I am talking with an organization about possibly conducting a two (possibly
three) day workshop in Belgium either this fall or spring 2005...it will be
based on open source content development (this is *not* an open source
software, Linux or programming workshop!)...I can send you an overview if
you email me...
but in a nutshell: you bring a laptop with the software you like to use and
your imagination...the workshop is a place to create a group project...this
could be anything: book, CDROM, DVD, CD, website, performance etc.; the
decision is made by the group and not by me...the process of development is
emergent not top-down...
this being said, I am looking for interested/possible participants for this
workshop and would love to hear from you *off list*...I am not sure WHERE in
..be this will take place or WHEN so I can't offer specifics just yet...but
if you are interested in attending my workshop please email me with a thumbs
up so I can do a head-count and let the potential promoter know how many
from this list might be attending...more details later when I get them...
thanks in advance!

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