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Kennedy Gallery of North Bay, Ontario Presents:

Phantom Power

May 21-23, 2004

Tickets for this three-day festival of sound and video art are available at the Capitol Centre Box Office (705-474-4747)
or at the WKP Kennedy Gallery in North Bay (705-474-1944 ext. 231)
$20 for the whole weekend!
($15 for students)
If you'd like to speak to someone at the gallery about our festival, feel free to call Perry or Dermot at (705) 474 1944, ex. 231 or 227 or if you'd prefer to email, it is gallery@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Participating Audio Artists Include:

Tomas Jirku (Vancouver) (No Type/Force-Inc/Substractif/Intr_Version/Traum/Klang/Audio.nl)

Carrie Gates (Saskatoon) (BricoLodge/Vinyl Interventions/CFCR 90.5 FM/Paved Art & New Media)

Kero (Windser/Detroit) (Shitkatpult/Bpitch Control/Detroit Underground/Satan Techno)

Thinkbox (Windser/Detroit) (www.thinkbox.ca)

Max Haiven (Halifax) (No Type/BricoLodge/Panospria)

Jon Vaughn (Saskatoon) (No Type/BricoLodge/Panospria/Slapart)

Marinko Jareb ($t. Catherine$) (Ghetto Systems/Mono Records/Vinyl Interventions)

tobias c. van Veen (www.quadrantcrossing.org)

Magali Babin (No Type)

Friday night, May 21
DJ and Live PA set
Hugo Crazy?s Bar, 151 Main St. East, North Bay, ON
Saturday, May 22st
The Turntablist Workshop featuring the Jareb, Gates, van Veen Turntable Trio.
12 am - 3 pm, W.K.P. Kennedy Gallery, 150 Main St. East, North Bay, ON
The workshop focuses on experimental turntablism and haunted house by a pan-canadian trio. We
are limiting enrolment to this hands-on intensive learning session to 20 people. This event will be
of interest to dj?s, musicians, sound artists and video artists.
Cost: $15 per participant
Saturday afternoon, May 22
Matinee Program
2pm - 5pm, Capitol Theatre, 150 Main St. East, North Bay, ON
Saturday night, May 22
After Dark Program
7pm - 1am, Capitol Theatre, 150 Main St. East, North Bay, ON
Sunday, May 23rd
Discussion Session (led by Haiven & Vaughn)
1pm - 3pm, W.K.P. Kennedy Gallery, 150 Main St. East, North Bay, ON

Maureen Bradley (Regina SK)
Karri O. and Carey Toane (Helsinki, Finland)
Takuro Mizuta Lippit (New York, N.Y.)
Mercedes Cueto (Sudbury, ON)
Liam Hanrahan (North Bay, ON)
Andy Fabo and Michael Balser (Toronto, ON)
The Envelope Project (Colorado)
Juan Jose Rivas (Tlalpan, Mexico)
Victoria Prince (Winnipeg, Man.)
Marinko Jareb (St. Catharines, ON)
Jonathan Culp (Vineland, ON)
Ian Haig (Winnipeg, Man.)
Thea Pratt (Montreal, Q.C.)
Eric Gamache (Bonfield, ON)
Shawna Dempsey and Lorri Millan (Winnipeg, Man.)
Jason Margolis (Vancouver, B.C.)
Patricia Rodriguez (Toronto, ON)
Karen Hoeberg (Winnipeg Man.)
Graeme Patterson (Winnipeg, Man.)

About Phantom Power


In 2002 a group of artists, sound and otherwise, got together and invaded a golf dome in Saskatoon. The resulting "immersive" electronic performance and associated festival of sound and video art was dubbed: Digidome. Phantom Power is the next step forward from Digidome. Think of it as the further adventures of an odd mutant creature!

This next chapter includes some of the same players, some of the same roles, but many changes and a totally different "locale". Phantom Power is a three-day Festival (as was Digidome) of video, computer animation, live video mixing, live audio mixing, and live sound art performances. The event this time around takes place in a vintage theatre in downtown North Bay in Northern Ontario. The theatre actually prompted the thematic flavour for the event. Whereas Digidome aimed at "B-movie" aesthetics and digital abstractions and the "happy accident" or glitch, Phantom Power is intent on awakening the spirits of this vaudeville and silent film stage. Videos that touch upon themes of "horror", the spiritual, phantasms and the ephemeral or ghostly will combine with musical performances from 10 sound artists from across the country. Again then, this festival of electronic art will bring together a whole new generation of digital artists from across Canada.

In the theatre technicians and artists from North Bay will build an "immersive" environment including multiple hanging screens, multiple stages, a projection "complex" and various seating locations. The audience is invited to leave their seats and experience different performances from different vantage points. The theatre seats 1500 people and includes a large balcony seating area. And yes, there is a ghost in the Capitol Theatre, or at least so the stories go.

The Festival kicks off on Friday night, May 21st with a live "dance" set and video mixing evening at the Hugo Crazy?s bar in downtown North Bay. This is where we combine DJ?s with live PA performances and where the sounds may hit everything from techno to disco. This first session starts at 8 and runs until 2 in the morning.

The next day includes two events: the Turntabilist Workshop featuring the immense DJ talents of Carrie Gates (Saskatoon), Marinko Jareb (aka machine) and Tobias C. Van Veen (Montreal). Kicking off at 11:30 a.m. and running for two sessions, one on Saturday and one on Sunday, this workshop focuses on vinyl, turntables and mixers as an art media.

Later on the Saturday, the main event of the weekend, the marathon of sounds and images, starts at 2 pm in the theatre. Performances by the Polyesther Thought & Thinkbox will run simultaneously with the screening of the Matinee Program. This first session runs until 5 pm. After a two-hour break the After Dark Program begins at 7pm with performances by Magali Babin (Montreal sound and performance artist), Kero (Windsor/Detroit), Jon Vaughn and Max Haiven (Saskatoon and Halifax), Carrie Gates (Saskatoon vinyl video/audio person) Marinko Jareb (Niagara area Machine) and Tobias Van Veen (Montreal techno-turntablist) & Tomas Jirku, who?s performance will complete the ?spiritual? journey.

Another similarity to Digidome is the fact that most of the audio artists will be producing their sounds in concert with and in support of the projected digital videos and computer generated animations. The audio artists were selected for their commitment to new audio art forms, their distinctive styles, and their ability to improvise within their chosen media. So, on that evening, audiences will see and hear a completely spontaneous collaboration between audio art and video art. It promises to be an amazing night and a truly one-of-a-kind event.

We're expecting a diverse crowd of media artists and aficionados, musicians from the regional electronic music scene, students and probably a few surprises!

Get your tickets - either for a single event or the weekend Festival Reserved Special. Tickets are available at the Capitol Centre Box Office (705-474-4747) or at the WKP Kennedy Gallery in North Bay (705-474-1944 ext. 231)

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