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[microsound] New artists wanted - Hand on the Plow


We at Hand on the Plow records are looking for new artists, if you're
not familiar with our music then take a listen to snippets of our
first release here - http://www.handontheplow.org/hotp001.htm

We like modern, soulful, electronic and non-electronic music with
personality and often vocals.

If you are interested contact details are available here -


Steve Taylor - info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Some of our recent press: 

"Beckett and Taylor transform the statement ("work it") from a House Cliché into an artistic manifesto."
- The Wire Magazine 

"the best record I've been sent in six months"
- Matthew Herbert 

"What a follow up after the first ep. HotP is and remains one of the best labels in England, and although we now know it,
we still cannot quite fathom its potential." 
- De:Bug Magazine 

"...an excellent little slice of genre-splicing and electro-eclectism. inventive and insane in equal measure."
- Absorb.org 

"You reap what you sow, this duo's garden is growing greener than just about any record I've heard this year." 
- Philip Sherburne, Needledrops 

The second release from the extremely promising London house label Hand on the Plow, cut-up has rarely been so palatable. 
- PitchforkMedia.com

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