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Re: [microsound] Videos and Microsound [the other half of the question]
a lot of my work right now involves field recording, contact
mikes, and other "close-up" sound capturing, I've been working with my
partner Sara Kolster to find its equivalent in video. Sara is way into
macro photo/videography [like these ice images Eloy posted!] and tends
to use little or no filters, so the images come accross quite clear, but
still very abstract and quite related to the sound at the same time. We
even built some "video granulators" in PDP to go along with my audio
granulators. That is one of the nice things about using PD [or
Max/MSP/Jitter, I suppose]--that you can use the same environment to
create your video patches as your audio patches, so a lot of the
techniques used on sound can be transferred to video as well.
derek holzer ::: http://www.umatic.nl
---Oblique Strategy # 169:
"Use filters"
Hi Derek,
Yours and Sarah's approach to imagery relating to microsound
(close-ups/macro photos) is very similar to what my wife and I do for the
photography on Stasisfield.com, as well as using cropping and composition
to create abstractions of images that would be otherwise recognizable.
I think finding visual subject matter that "feels quiet" is key to
illustrating this type of sound, and extreme closeups, as well as photos
from contemplative perspectives (looking up at or straight at something
that usually exists near the ground, rather than from above, etc.) seems to
also work well.
As for how to translate this to moving video, I've done some experiments
using an old Fisher-Price pixel camera which have turned out nicely. I've
also experimented with frame-by-frame animation in Photoshop, which is how
I created the video posted here:
If I could find a way to create a simple mask in iMovie (I've been too
preoccupied with other things to really investigate it), I'd love to do
more videos like this (since this one took me a few weeks to do).
john kannenberg
[ http://www.stasisfield.com ]
[ http://www.whistlingpariah.com ]
Gelidus, a sonic interpretation of extreme cold in six parts
[ http://www.retinascan.de/compactdiscs/fcd35.htm ]
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