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Re: [microsound] Videos and Microsound

On Mon, 24 May 2004 22:58, Alex Young wrote:
> How do people make videos for their work?  I've seen Jitter, and I
> assume this
> is what most people use, but I don't really want to use this because
> it's expensive.
pd and gem *might* be an alternative... (though not really, although I'm 
sure Derek will prove me wrong)
> I've been looking at writing my own code to produce videos through
> quicktime,
> which is one avenue to pursue.
I'd go for OpenGL, since it is easier to program(IMHO) and you could work 
more easily with arbitrary data. (I've done this on a scientific(as 
opposed to artistic) basis with www.sonasound.de)
> what options there are for Linux.  Although, any games or game engines
> could
> be used to produce footage - it would just take clever editing and
> processing.
> I'd love to shoot my own footage, but I don't have access to a camera
> right now
> so I'll have to wait.  But what editing software do people use?
cinelerra (ex-broadcast2000) on Linux.

> The final question is, how do people create videos that reflect the way
> they
> produce sounds?
imagemagick (specify a soundfile as raw data and convert it to whatever 
picture format you want). Take filmgimp/cinepaint or imagemagick again 
and compose the single pictures into a film.
Or even more abstruse: generate lists and work through them using 


Computer Music PhD-student
University of Waikato
New Zealand

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